Surrey Pickleball ClubWelcome to your information centre for the Surrey Pickleball Club |
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The Surrey Pickleball Club (SPC) is committed to providing social yet challenging play for its members, by matching members together that are at the approximately the same skill level. To promote this philosophy, the Club uses the following skill level categories, called Club Levels:
Novice, Intermediate, Intermediate+, Advanced, Expert
When you join SPC you will be required to select one of the Club Levels for yourself (self-rate). Members can self-rate with Novice through to Intermediate+ and will be able to register for events in the Calendar within these three levels. For Advanced or Expert event registrations, you must meet the criteria for Advanced / Expert play.
If you are just joining the Club for the first time and need help in selecting your Club Level, you can use the high-level descriptions below as a guide. You can also refer to other pickleball governing bodies such as the US Amateur Pickleball Association (USAPA) on the USAPA site here, or the International Federation of Pickleball (IFP). Or you can ask other players that you’ve played with to rate you.
- SPC provides opportunities for both social and competitive play. The Calendar consists of League Play Events (competitive) and Social Play Events. Members may register for either one or both in the weekly Play Schedule.
- Members can play in any event in the Calendar that includes Novice, Intermediate, or Intermediate+.
- Existing members have been adjusted from their previous Club rating to the new rating system.
- New members self-rate for their Club Level up to Intermediate+.
- Members can request to change their Club Level by emailing with their request.
- Members will generally NOT be moved down a Club Level unless they request it.
Give yourself* a pickleball rating of EXPERT if
In the past, SPC has been challenged to create compelling game-play for higher-level players (4.0+). In order to protect the level of play in the Advanced and Expert categories (generally related to players who play at a 4.0 and higher level), players must be approved to participate in sessions designed for Advanced and/or Expert players.
Some important considerations:
While the Advanced category is generally considered 4.0 in traditional ratings, it is acknowledged that there is a difference between genders and ages in relation to the person’s ability to compete. The spirit and intent is that Advanced level players have a deeper understanding of the strategies of the game, make more consistent shots, leading to longer rallies against other Advanced players. Even if you have considered yourself “4.0” in the past, your game play may or may not be suitable to the Advanced level and players should be sensitive to the desire for other players to maintain a high-level of game play.
Does it matter what I am rated at?
Ratings are a way of ensuring that members get to play with other members at or near their own skill level. By identifying yourself correctly with your skill level, you and others will be able to identify the level of players registered for events.
What is the difference between Club Rating and Tournament Rating?
Club ratings are internal and only used by the Surrey Pickleball Club. Club ratings enable you to register for Club events and identify which events would suit your playing capabilities.
Tournament ratings are governed by or in some cases by DUPR which is another rating system. Your tournament rating will not be impacted by your participation in SPC Club events including the mini-tournaments. The only SPC organized events that will allow you to increase or decrease your tournament rating are our major tournaments that are sanctioned by Pickleball Canada. Tournament ratings use a 2 digit level (ex. 3.0, 3.5) and this level determines the level of competition you can enter.
Why can’t I register for Advanced events in the Club?
Only Advanced or Expert level players (who have been approved by the criteria above) can register for Advanced level events. To request an Advanced level, email with proof of qualification.
Will mini-tournaments affect my tournament or club ratings?
No. Mini-Tournaments were designed as a fun competitive tournament-style event and will not impact your ratings. The only caveat is that if a player wins an Intemediate+ mini-tournament, they may qualify to play in the Advanced events going forward.
Can I request a new club rating?
Yes, send in your self-rating adjustment request to
I'm brand new to pickleball, what should I rate myself?
Novice. The Novice level includes beginner up to "just below 3.0". We acknowledge this is a relatively large gap, however in our experience, people tend to move from beginner to Novice quite quickly.
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